Sunday, February 28, 2010

Wed.March 03.2010 RED RIDING:1974

We forgot to do a portrait last week; Megan, who was out of town, promised to do a drawing of how she imagines movie night was; I think that the picture will end up insulting; she didn't disagree. Portrait coming soon. This WEDNESDAY we have Red Riding Trilogy 1974. It promises to be British; Depressing; and realllllllly good.

The A.V. Club says:

Red Riding remains a remarkable achievement. Reduced to bare description, its desperate dames and crooked cops resemble the stuff of Noir 101, but the series owes more to the moral murk of James Ellroy’s L.A. and the civic spiderweb of The Wire than conventional thrillers. This is as much psycho-geography as genre exercise. The murders and other mysteries end up feeling like byproducts of the region’s difficult move away from a rural past toward an uncertain future; dead girls and plans for shopping malls have a way of getting tangled up together.

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