Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Listen, sometimes work can get real busy, and life can pass you by, but, like, it's important to stop and ask yourself hard, meaningful questions:

"What if my parents left me and my siblings isolated from the world, and we developed our own unique language?" (this might actually be the case for me, as anyone who has been with my brothers and I can attest).
"What if the only outsider allowed was there to sexually please the oldest son of the family?"
"what if she started taking up with other members of the family and SHIT GOT REAL!"

THIS THING WAS OSCAR NOMINATED, and gotta 93% on Rotten tomatoes, and was UN PRIX DE CERTAIN REGARD at Cannes. It's legitimate, which I know is a bit weird for a movie night selection; but COME ON;

AO Scott (my nickname in New Jersey)said:

the film is "a conversation piece. Though the conversation may not proceed quite into the depths of psychosexual analysis that Dogtooth seems to invite. Your post-viewing discourse may be more along the lines of: 'What was that?' 'I don’t know. Weird.' 'Yeah.' [shudder]. 'Weird.'

I don't think your having sex right unless the reaction is "what was that? I don't know. Weird." SO THIS SEEMS LIKE IT'S right up my alley. If it's up your alley, then come to Erika's alley tonight at 8pm