There's a couple things about movie night that we've established:
-that I update this blog exceedingly late
-that it's usually held at my apartment
-that Erika and I are unwilling to change the movie selection for those of you who wish to watch movies for "pleasure" and to have a "good time"
-that the food is uniformly fantastic and often home made.
-that I misuse the word "couple"
So this week, we plan to live up to NONE of those expectations, cuz we kinda wanna do this instead:
*if you have a flannel, an alice in chains shirt, cutoff shorts, etc...wear it (I don't have this stuff, but I expect more from you people than I do from myself. I'll probally be wearing a wrinkled dress shirt + my work nametag that I always forget to take off).
*Dinner will be at the Galleria FOOD COURT @8:40
*Movie starts at the Galleria at 9:25
*If you want a ride, meet at my apartment by 8:15
And the one and only kittykat gesmundo, in town for easter, will be there! Please come prepared with questions about Oklahoma City, or medical questions you'd be comfortable having a devoted medical student answer.